New Director for The Bonar Trust

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Hamish Sneddon as the first Director of the Bonar Trust.  He will take up the role in mid-February. Encouraged by the development and growth of the Trust since it was founded in 2009, as trustees we feel now is the right time to appoint someone in a paid role to lead the ministry.  Hamish will work closely with the trustees and the wide network of people and partners associated with the work of the Trust across Scotland and beyond.

Hamish is an ordained Minister in the Free Church of Scotland.  He brings many years of experience to the role. Hamish was in Durham for five years working with UCCF across the North-East of England. He then moved to St Andrews Free Church as a Leader in Training mentored by Paul Clarke, alongside studies at ETS. Hamish was funded through his training by the Bonar Trust. On completing his training he was appointed Assistant Minister and Director of Training at St Andrews Free Church, working with Paul. Hamish has previously been a trustee of The Bonar Trust and led on a number of residentials for Leaders in Training supported by the Trust.

For the last few years Hamish has been laid aside with health issues.  Gradually the Lord has restored him to health and he is ready and able to take on this role with our full backing.  Please pray for Hamish and his family as he takes this on.  

Hamish will be supported in the work by Nick Breton and Jody Guy whose work for the Trust is greatly valued.

As founding Chair of the Trust, in June this year Robin Sydserff will be stepping down as Chair and trustee.  The Lord has brought him to London and he needs to focus his time and energy in this new context.  The future of the Trust is in good hands.  In due course we will let you know who will take on the role of Chair.  Ultimately it is all the Lord’s work. We rejoice that He is building the Church in Scotland and count it a huge blessing to play any part in that.


Christmas Greetings from The Bonar Trust