We wish you a Happy and Blessed Christmas-time, and thank you for your support of The Bonar Trust over the year. Much has happened and been planned since our last update in September; here are some highlights:
Training the Trainers Days
Following our inaugural Training the Trainers webinar event in September, we are delighted now to be hosting four in-person days around Scotland. These will focus on the need to train gospel workers at a local level, how to build a culture of training, and how a training programme might look. Each event will give due weight to local needs and priorities and will be led very much with and by local leaders. Planned dates and venues are as follows:
- Glasgow: 31st January
- Aberdeen: 11th March
- Edinburgh: 14th March
- Inverness: 18th March
Invitations have been sent to church leaders and trainers on our database. If you wish to come and have not received yours, or would like us to invite others (with their prior permission), then please write to, indicating the venue and date in which you or others are interested.
We are looking forward to hosting our next residential at the Atholl Centre in Pitlochry in January, funded by the Trust. These two-day events are key opportunities for people supported by the Trust to meet and grow as preachers and church leaders.
Future Gospel Leaders
We are delighted to be holding our first day dedicated to helping local churches identify and encourage candidates for ministry training. This will be in Edinburgh on Saturday 24th February, and is intended for men and women either in employment, or on a training programme or studying, and who are considering a call to gospel ministry.
We will send out invitations in the new year to church leaders, who we hope will encourage candidates and potential candidates to come along. As always, please write to if you would like to find out more beforehand, or to express your interest in coming or encouraging others to come.
Targeted support for churches and trainers
Our plans are developing as to how else the Bonar Trust may support churches with an aspiration to train, particularly those serving in more deprived communities. This is giving extra focus to our support-raising efforts. We are also looking at whether we can help stimulate provision of good quality gospel trainers and training where there is a gap or other need.
Film – Gospel Workers for the Church in Scotland
We are encouraged by the interest our film continues to generate. If you haven’t done so already, you can view either the full-length or trailer versions on our website homepage.
Church Visits
Finally, our Bonar Trust colleagues are undertaking visits to churches around Scotland which are supporting and partnering with the Trust, in order to describe our work to members. Please just drop a note to if you would like us to visit your church for a midweek or Sunday meeting, to speak for a few minutes and to show part of our video.